Thursday, 22 May 2008

Chaos Original Background

Commander Jarmac Veryeon of Chaos

If there’s one thing you hate in this Universe… No, wait. If there’s two… No, actually, there’s lot’s of things you hate in this Universe, but if you had to pick out two, it’s Space Marines and Imperial Guards. Even worse, your spies tell you that a hated Inquisitor is travelling with The Imperial Guards. The inquisitors make you sick, with their complete loyalty to The Cult of The Emperor.

So what are they both doing heading for this planet in the middle of nowhere? Looking for something you bet. Hmmm. Maybe there’s an opportunity to ambush them, while they’re not watching their backs. The Eye of Terror looks favourably on those who succeed.

When you landed, you found Orks. Lots of them. You sent your scouts to speak with them, and for the moment you have an uneasy truce. Both of you, after all seek chaos.

Starting Point

Near the Orks. Don’t trust them too much though, but it might give you some breathing space to get established.

Special Victory Conditions

If the Imperial Guards and their accursed Inquisitor have less than 500 points left at the end of six weeks, you’ll be awarded 500 points.

If the Space Marines have less than 500 points left at the end of six weeks, you’ll be awarded 250 points.

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