Thursday, 20 March 2008

A Rules Summary

1 The rules can change at any time.

2 Each player starts with 2000 points to spend. Each week, they will face a battle against another player. They may field up to 1000 points of troops in battle, using any units from their army. There is no minimum, but unless you don’t have enough points to do it, you must field a valid 40K army.

3 The loser of this battle loses all points lost on the battlefield from their total. The winner can recover half their lost points.

4 Players can gain points by controlling areas of the planet Ervinrud. They can also claim other bonuses which are only revealed to them. They move their troops around at the end of each week, with the following week’s battles based on where they end up.

5 Non-attendance will cost you 200 points. You also don’t get to move that week and get no bonus points. Non-attendance without a day’s notice will cost you 300 points.

6 The player with the most points at the end of six weeks will be declared the winner. This gives you the right to dance around the shop and generally celebrate.

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